Ahmad never anticipated finding himself in an orphanage. Before life twisted and turned, Ahmad's life was indistinguishable from other 7-year-olds in many ways. He enjoyed playing soccer with his dad in the field next to their house and racing him home as the smell of Mom's cooking emanated from the kitchen window. Visitors would warm their home and echoes of laughter shared with loved ones would fill the rooms. Ahmad's life was similar to those of other happy children all over the world. That is, until life took an undeservedly harsh turn. Drug addiction laid hold of Ahmad's dad, causing a divorce between his father and mother, who subsequently left the family. His grandparents were unable to provide support, leaving young Ahmad with little stability or access to basic needs.

Fortunately, his story does not end there. He was taken in by Javadolaemeh Orphanage, an institution that works relentlessly to ensure that Ahmad and children like him do not remain invisible; that they receive the continuing love and care they need, as well as looking after their healthcare, education, and overall well-being.

Organizations like Javadol-aemeh Orphanage require financial support to make all of this possible, and that's where Golestan Foundation comes in. We have made it our mission to ensure that children in Iran, like Ahmad, are not left without meaningful support. We seek out the most financially vulnerable orphanages and perform diligent research to confirm the quality of the institution before providing the funds that will give the children necessary stability. We want to make certain that the resources are used effectively and ethically. That is why, to avoid situations where funds may be misused, we ensure that the funds granted are funneled directly to the orphanages in order to give Ahmad and his friends the highest quality of care.

Ahmad, like many children, has big dreams for his future; he wants to grow up to be a teacher and guide others to recognize and fulfill their potential. Golestan Foundation is committed to providing continuing aid for education, healthcare, and overall support that will give children like him the best chance of achieving their dreams.